Not much to talk about today. I woke up fairly early for me today. I was up by 9:30am to make sure I was around for moral support for the b/f. He decided to "brush up" on his interviewing skills and apply out for a new job. I don't think he is very serious about this new job, he has a great job all ready (that just gave him a raise! yay!!) but I still wanted to be around if he wanted to blow off a little nervous energy with a phone call or email.
While I waited for that call/email (that never came --I wish I had half the confidence he has in situations like that!) I cleaned the kitchen, hand washed my pots and pans, and got all the dishes into the dishwasher. I also swept the floor (my house is hardwood), but I got lazy and decided to eat lunch before doing the mopping. Or, in other words, the mopping didn't get done. Oh well, I still felt pretty happy about getting a majority of the stuff I wanted cleaned, clean before noon. Lunch was taco soup, which is fairly healthy stuff. Of course, about an hour and a half after I finished eating, my little sis asked if I wanted a biscuit. out of the oven biscuits! One of my all time favorite foods. I said "yes" but I only ate one, so I didn't feel *too* bad. Dinner was chicken and brown rice, so once again, I felt pretty good about my food choice. *grins* When the little sis proposed an ice cream run to McDonalds though, I once again caved. Mmmm....caramel ice cream sundaes! With peanuts on top! *drools* It was amazing. I loved every bite of it, but I feel a little bad about it now. especially since the boyfriend called me up saying he was "really" in the mood for sweet. hehe. I didn't share the info with him that I had just gobbled up some ice cream. Oh well, I did drink my liter of water today, so I feel pretty happy about that. I also got a lot of fiber in with today's meals, which was also a goal for me. So, even though I wasn't completely "on" with a diet today, I did make progress in the right direction. I even made sure to nibble something for breakfast --even though breakfast is by far my least favorite meal of the day.
i'm sleepy. Time for me to head to bed. Night night fellow bloggers!
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Nite nite chicky, don't feel bad about the ice cream, we still have to LIVE and enjoy life eh?
Progress is progress!!
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