Monday, August 11, 2008

New measurements

The gym I am going to is actually very neat. The "trainers" will ask to meet up with you once a month, or so, and when you do meet they switch up your workout. They re-assess goals, check weight, measurements, etc. So, I made an appointment for my fiance to switch up his workout routine. He was getting bored, so I was happy to do it for him. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I apparently was signing myself up for something new as well. hehe.

Well, we both got re-measured. I'll bring my new measurements home tonight (hopefully! post them tomorrow) The trainer cracked me up. He never knows quite what to do with my fiance and I, since we're always joking around. He always looks a little bit frightened when a joke flies. For example, when he went to take my hip measurement, my fiance looked at me and said "honey, do these pants make my arse look big?" I just groaned because I knew what was coming next. He responded with "babe, those pants don't make your arse look big, your arse makes your arse look big" This joke almost always cracks me up. I've kind of got a big booty. Not too out of proportion with the rest of me, but anway.... The trainer's jaw just hit the floor. He looked back and forth between the two of us until I started busting out laughing. He let out a little nervous chuckle and started backing away slowly. hehe. Poor guy! After a couple more bad jokes were exchanged, he started to loosen up. He revealed that he'd had some bad experiences doing measurements. I guess people had yelled at him in the past for telling the truth about just how big they really were. hehe. What a funny thought. Being mad at a virtual stranger because YOU measure bigger than you think you should. Too funny.

So, part of the check-up is to see how much weight has been lost. I could have killed my fiance at this point because he just HAD to have PizzaHut the night before. Grrr. I hadn't eaten much, but still, I had eaten it! As we started walking towards the scale, I told the trainer I knew how much I weighed and it was exactly what he'd written down last time. He told me that wasn't likely considering we'd been in the gym almost every day for a month --but I was right. LoL. He kept trying to move the numbers, but they were the same. I try not to have the fiance look at mine (even though he does) so I try not to look at him (even though I'll see it on the card at some point) when he is being weighed. I'm fairly sure he'd gone up a pound though. Ha! Silly boy had eaten all the pizza leftovers for lunch! Teach him not to leave me a slice. Mwhaha.

hehe. A long story to tell you I got new measurements =)


AshleyHami said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

I love birthdays when I'm just free to veg. My ALL TIME fav thing to do on my birthday is go out for dinner with my hubs and head to a movie...however, hubs would rather go out to dinner with lots of ppl and then perhaps to a pub... He's working on a little suprise/theme for my upcoming 24th b-dids on Sept 5th... We shall see if it is my idea of a great birthday or

And good for you for not eating too much Pizza Hut - Pizza is my ALL TIME favourite food...I have NO self control...*sigh I've since gained back the 7 pounds I lost for the wedding :( Mainly from heating carbs...but I heart carbs! So today I packed a fruit and veggie lunch instead of the tuna pasta salad and carrot cake I had We're planning a trip to cuba in Jan/Feb/March and I don't want to have to go on a crash diet again...I REALLY want to maintain ie be healthy!

You commented in one of my posts about my weight loss before the wedding...well, honestly, I didn't do it in a very healthy way. Patrick and one of my sister in laws were giving me crap about it. BUT I knew I wasn't going to maintain that kinda diet so it would be OK for the 2-3 weeks I needed to do it.

So, what the diet was:

Breakie: nothing
Lunch: Non-fat one pump mocha latte
Dinner: chix breast or fish (salmon/halibut) grilled and a green veg

That. Is. All. I did have the odd day where I binged on spagettii at my Aunt's house - but honestly I subsisted on - it is not a healthy diet, and I only recommend it when you have a specific goal/event in mind - and only for a short period of time. One thing that I realized while dieting (I did the same thing for my SIL wedding last September) was that we eat way more than we need to...once my body got used to eating the above "menu" (after 2-3 days) I had my energy back up and felt great. Then, when we went on our honeymoon and I totally pigged out on teh buffets and drinks I felt gross...

Anyway...I think you are doing it the right way...I just know it is frustrating when you don't see immidiate results - but I think it is better in the long run...and that is what I'm trying to do properly and get some workouts in...once we're at our ideal body weight these things will hopefully become more natural and we won't have to always think of our weight...wouldn't that be the dream...

Bye for now!

Moby Dick said...

Pizza is a DIET-KILLER!! gLAD to see you are spending time at the gym!!

AshleyHami said...

Hey - are you on facebook by any chance?

Chris H said...

All I can say is ... Pizza is EVIL... totally EVIL.