Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Must go back...to the gym!

hehe. Instead of going back to the gym, I went on vacation! It was an impromptu visit to Hartford, CT. How fun! I got to try lots of yummy seafood (that we don't get here in the midwest) and see some fun sites. We spent an entire day hanging out in Boston and I finally got to see the ocean (my first time ever!). All in all, a fun time was had...but I am dreading going back to the gym. I don't physically "feel" like I"ve put tons of weight back on (eating fast food and pizza for a week has to have done something though) but my fiance keeps moaning that he is sure he gained 20 pounds. Oh well, what is done is done --I had a great time and I'm sitting here in my "gym clothes" as I type. Must go back...


AshleyHami said...

Aww…glad to read that you enjoyed your vacation! What did you think of the ocean? You should try to make it out to the west coast sometime to see "our" ocean…with the rocky mountains…the seals, the killer whales…beautiful!

Moby Dick said...

It is good to see that you are at least thinking about it!